July 1, 2021

You are browsing the site archives for July 1, 2021.

*contains spoilers Forbidden Planet (1956) strikes at the heart of the climate change debate with a metaphor of angst being at the heart and its ‘sequel’ The Invisible Boy (1957) hints at drones, the internet and a supercomputer… and robots saving the innocence of children around the house. And time travel is in there too…

Read more The Cult of Robby the Robot in Forbidden Planet (1956) and others (Part One)

In terms of the tontine of Gaslight and the revolution against the union of toxic ‘gas-lighters’ in your neighbourhood or otherwise and the survivor is Angela Lansbury (1925-). She turned up in Brisbane nearly a decade ago and gave us a rendition of Driving Miss Daisy with the voice of Darth Vader of Star Wars…

Read more David Bowie’s Revenge for Gaslight (1944) in the AC/DC war of The Prestige (Part Two)

*contains spoilers Do you know what my Nietzschean cross to bear has been for the last twenty years and which has been an ordeal of innocence to survive? It is the web of toxic masculinity which exists in my neighbourhood… and the current state of fear by the media gaslighting the population hung-up by governments…

Read more David Bowie’s Revenge for Gaslight (1944) in the AC/DC war of The Prestige (Part One)